An essential short course on Carpet Fitting (Installation)

An Essential Short Course on Carpet Installation

I have been in the carpet industry for over 50 years now. Over this period, product development and the technical aspects of carpets, I guess, have become my specialities.

During this time, I have needed to understand some aspects of carpet fitting/installation. As Technical Manager in the carpet mill many carpet related questions landed on my desk over the years with installation issues amongst them.

Therefore, having access to a short course outlining all aspects of carpet fitting/installation would have been a great benefit to me over the years.

'Fit Me - An Essential Guide to Carpet Installation’ is a great short course on this subject.

The author of the course is Peter Goodman. 

Peter has been in the carpet industry for over 50 years and has been an Assessor in the flooring installation area.

Peter was also instrumental in the development of many of the test methods used today for the evaluation of wool carpets and rugs, and played a key role, nationally and internationally, in their publication.

His extensive experience spans the manufacturing industry and as an advisor to corporate architectural practices and major end-users within the office, leisure, retail, house building, health care, public sector, historic building and transportation markets.

More information on 'Fit Me - An Essential Guide To Carpet Installation', can be found in the Courses section of the ITFA website:

What will you learn:
Installation methods
Stretch fitting
Transportation, handling and storage
Tile installation
BS5325: Code of Practice for the Installation of Textile Floor Coverings.
Underlay selection