
The ITFA Library contains a large and expanding resource of information and study materials in the form of textbooks, manuals, reports and scientific articles related to the manufacture, marketing, installation, maintenance and recycling of carpets and rugs.

All technical material is grouped by main subject. Some is free to download, others are available from ITFA’s Store.

To fully access the Library you will need to sign up for membership.

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Copyright/Third Party Protection August 2019.
ITFA, its proprietors, consultants, and researchers do not necessarily own the content of any documentation provided. ITFA therefore cannot guarantee that the re-use of third-party content does not infringe the copyright of the third party. If information is to be re-used, you would have to bear the risks associated with any such rights violation. ITFA personnel can assist in determining whether there is a need to obtain the relevant permission from the copyright holder. This applies even though the information generally is in the public domain. Examples of third-party content may include but are not limited to text, tables, figures, or images